How to Study for the Wagner Middle School Accelerated Math Placement Test

The Robert F. Wagner Accelerated Math Placement test is offered to fifth graders on the last week of June. On those days, dozens of students line up outside the main doors on 76th street to take a test that will contribute to the decision about their 6th grade placement. Wagner is a massive school with nine full sixth grade classes. Depending on the performance of incoming students, a few of those classes will subscribe to an accelerated math curriculum. Since classes stay together for every subject, even though only the math curriculum is technically accelerated, the effect of having higher performing math students together spills over into every class. It is also obvious from looking at the classes which are accelerated and which are not—with non-accelerated classes considerably more rowdy throughout the school day. If your child is selected for the accelerated track at Wagner, they will be surrounded by higher performing, less distracted peers in middle school. If they are not placed into an accelerated math class, they’ll be able to take a placement test at the end of 6th grade for a chance to join in 7th grade.
What determines if a student is placed into the accelerated program?
Wagner sometimes adjusts its criteria for accelerated math placement. Most recently, 60% of the decision is actually based on the student’s Final Math Course Grade from their 5th grade teacher, and 40% was based on their Placement Test Score. This multiple-choice and short answer test covers: coordinate planes, plotting points, inequalities, fractions, basic volume, and order of operations (PEMDAS). See practice test.
What’s the best way to study?
The best way for fifth graders to study as they approach the June test is to first take the practice test below. This practice Wagner accelerated math placement test covers the topics represented on the real test. It’s a good idea to print the free PDF so the test-taking experience is more like the real one. Your child can use their performance on this practice placement test as a diagnostic to determine the math units they need to study further. You can also hire a local tutor familiar with the Wagner test at
Click the Link Below for the Practice Placement Test:
PDF of Wagner Middle Accelerated Math Practice Test